Los Santos Government Services Application Form.
((In Character))
1.1 Last Name:
William1.2 First Name:
Riki1.3 Age:
251.4 Date of birth:
10-09-19801.5 Sex:
Male1.6 Ethicityn:
Indonesian1.7 Phone Number:
1668611.8 Address:
Jefferson motel1.9 Education:
Indonesian military university1.10 Job:
2.1 Do you have any criminal record?
No2.1.1 If yes, please explain it:
NO2.2 Do you have a driving license?
Yes I have2.3 Tell us about yourself (min. 50 words):
my name is william riki I was born in Indonesia. since my parents died I finally decided to stay in Los Santos with my uncle and my aunt. I was a mechanic who worked in the public garage located in Ocean docks. during my work in Los santos i want to get a part of government employees. but I need time to seek knowledge about the rules of the Los santos. after I got the news from my friend said Los santos goverment service is opening a new recruitment for the academy 4 and I immediately enrolled through this attachment.2.4 Why do you want to Join us? (min. 50 words):
because I wanted to help civilians who need my help. I also want to curb the trucker who often parked haphazardly and they also rarely pay attention to maintenance of their vehicles. and often occurs commotion between the both parties. I also want to help the police with a way to be kind against civilians.
I, Riki William state that I will follow all the rules and I will also do my duty given to me the best I can. I will also not fake any information in my application and if I put false information in my application then I am ready to receive the punishments that come with the rules.
Riki William
((Out Of Character))
3.1 Nama Lengkap:
M.Choirudin Saputra3.2 Umur:
153.3 Lokasi:
Palembang Indonesia3.4 ID Forum:
ramadant3.5 ID UCP:
1234567893.6 Apakah anda memiliki karakter lain?:
Ada (Rangga Saputra)3.7 Apakah anda sedang di faction official?:
tidak3.7.1 Jika iya, beritahu nama faction dan izin untuk dual faction:
tidak3.8 Berapa lama sudah bermain di JGRP:
5 bulan ++3.9 Skala RP anda dari 1 - 10:
6-73.10 Apakah anda bisa menggunakan Teamspeak? :
Bisa3.11 Mengapa anda ingin bergabung dengan LSGS? (Min. 25 words):
karena saya ingin meningkatkan RP atau skill saya agar menjadi 8 dengan mengikuti faction offical seperti LSGS ini dan berkemungkinan saya akan mendapat teman baru dan saya juga sangat berharap jika saya diterima di LSGS ini karena saya sangat ingin Ber RP yang lebih baik lagi dan saya juga ingin berhenti menjadi MMer karena MMer itu tidak menghasilkan RP yang berkualitas MMer hanya menghasilkan uang IG.