Los Santos Government Services Application Form.
((In Character))
1.1 Last Name:
1.2 First Name:
1.3 Age:
1.4 Date of birth:
1.5 Sex:
1.6 Ethnicity:
1.7 Phone Number:
1.8 Address:
[Answer]Jefferson Motel
1.9 Education:
[Answer]PhD of Law
1.10 Job:
2.1 Do you have any criminal record?
[Answer] No I haven't involved into criminal case.
2.1.1 If yes, please explain it:
2.2 Do you have a driving license?
[Answer]I do.
2.3 Tell us about yourself (min. 100 words):My name is Joselito Sauceda, well, the it all started back in Mexico. I was born to a middle class family, with three brother . My parents immigrated to Mexico after they felt the war on drugs was endangering my and my other sibling's future. Being in a pretty bad position my mother started working as a house maid, and my dad is die at those accident, My mother worked incredibely hard to feed me and my brothers, we always had what we wanted. Me and my brothers were always around the streets, hanging out together. We were all we had to eachother and were best brothers ever. Time passed and we grew older. My Mother sent us to Chicago, and gave me a money to searching a school, and I found a school, named Lincoln Park High School, Chicago where all of my other brothers were already running school. I guess he sent me there so he could keep an eye on me, as I was naive. Most of my grades were usually B's, and my parents never complained. They were just glad to see me pass through high school.
[Answer]2.4 Why do you want to Join us? (min. 100 words):
[Answer]We all grew up to quick. I had a side job in Kentucky fried chicken. I started listening to older hip hop and adjusted my lifestyle to it. As I turned seventeen, my oldest brother joined the CPD, Chicago Police Department. For days he kept going on how amazing it was. As days past, and he kept bragging I grew interested as well, but my mother would not let me join, as they wanted me to go to college first. I travelling down to Los Santos and had a tour around the college. I made up my mind and decided to give college a go, I could go do a LSGS job later. As I knew I was going to be a Government Unit position if I finished college, I applied for the criminology course. I was allowed in, and took the two years education. During my second year, one of my close friends was shot in the head as he called the cops about a robbery. They found the group around two weeks later, and I was astonished. I've been cried enough because my friend is die at the accident. I called my brother who was still in the Chicago Police Department for advice, and he told me to definitely join the LSGS. He would have wanted me to come to the Chicago, but I decided to stay for the LSGS as I had most of my friends here.
I, Joselito Sauceda state that I will follow all the rules and I will also do my duty given to me the best I can. I will also not fake any information in my application and if I put false information in my application then I am ready to receive the punishments that come with the rules.
Joselito Sauceda
((Out Of Character))
3.1 Nama Lengkap:
[Answer]Rifqy Syawal Guchiano
3.2 Umur:
3.3 Lokasi:
[Answer]Jakarta Selatan
3.4 ID Forum:
3.5 ID UCP:
3.6 Apakah anda memiliki karakter lain?:
[Answer]Most of my character has been banned, well let me list them. -Dominic Strauss and Sebastian Lindhberg.
3.7 Apakah anda sedang di faction official?:
[Answer]Not anymore.
3.7.1 Jika iya, beritahu nama faction dan izin untuk dual faction:
3.8 Berapa lama sudah bermain di JGRP:
[Answer]1 year or less.
3.9 Skala RP anda dari 1 - 10:
3.10 Mengapa anda ingin bergabung dengan LSGS? (Min. 100 words):
[Answer]Because i want to make the city of Los Santos cleaner more safer, and respect all people on the city,take out the criminal, makes the comfiest way and others, i believe within the police team and Sheriff team and Government units at the los Santos, i believe all pedestarian will feel comfortly, and the city will be safer. I believe all of the police Sheriff Government units,will take out the criminal, and work on it, robber, the people who're doing some criminal, Los Santos with a sincerely heart and with . I was a hard worker and do not know the tired and weary while on duty for LSGS. At the time a friend or the trouble I will help as much as possible, because I do not want the public or my friends get a big problem. I am having a latent talent to become a LSGS. I will work as much as possible in charge of maintaining and combat crime in the city of Los Santos well. In an on duty I always keep a good image of the famous Government Units Discipline and always alert at anytime and anywhere.